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“So happy I found Red Pencil Ltd for developmental editing and book coaching on my first novel. It has been precisely what I needed. Leanne is so encouraging and helpful, I honestly can't believe how much hope it has given me to be able to move forward again with my writing.
I like being able to work with Leanne and to bounce ideas off her; her experience with the editing process has been invaluable. We meet every fortnight to discuss what is needed next, and we work together on a few chapters at a time, which works especially well for me.”
— Mandy D
"Writing a book is a journey and often a very personal one (as in my case) as the genre is creative non-fiction. It is one thing to sit in the comfort of your office or lounge and write to your hearts content, thinking out loud and revising what you have just written. It is another to take your completed work to the next stage by finding an editor. This was a daunting task for me and as I scrolled through the lists, I kept coming back to the picture of Leanne Wickham at Red Pencil which resonated with me more than others.
— Sandra Robertson
Embark on a transformative journey with Leanne's expert editing and coaching. Let's polish your manuscript and keep your project on track. [Call Leanne] today and embrace the success you deserve!
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